Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Once upon a time there were people in every community that could make you shoes that fit just your feet. These people knew the craft of fitting shoes to a persons feet not a persons feet to the shoes they made.
Eventually some clever person came up with a way to model the foot and make shoes of certain sizes and types and could make many shoes this way.
Unfortunately, this meant that many shoes would be made so as to get close to "fitting" a persons foot. Not all shoes would get sold, and not all shoes fit very well.
This wasteful process continues on today, where an industrialized shoe process churns out millions of shoes, not all of them get sold or used, some sit on shelves, the ones that get bought may not fit as well as a fitted shoe, and get stored in the closet for a long time, others that do get worn and wear out  in less than a year and can not get repaired. These old shoes will just get thrown away.

I wanted to stop shopping for shoes that did not fit very well or wore out in one summer.
I wanted to have shoes that fit my feet and were comfortable and that I could repair or resole.

I  tried making sandals out of a tire and did not get this to work very well so I started looking for books about making footwear.
I found some digital sources and a shoe making dvd which all were very thorough but seemed to make a very seemingly simple process into a complicated and expensive process.

My wife and I have extracted what we thought were good ideas from many of these resources and have created a simple method for making sandals and shoes.

We have made some unique looking sandals and shoes that could use some more finesse but they are sturdy and comfortable footwear.

I will post some pictures of our hand crafted footwear for your amusement.

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